Tag Archives: rci

CBC funds lavish getaways while shutting down Ukrainian RCI

Fellow blog Ukemonde got a response from CBC in regards to them shutting down their Ukrainian language broadcast of their Radio Canada International service:

As I am sure you understand, it was made after extensive consultation and a great deal of careful consideration, and in response to the very difficult financial situation at CBC/Radio-Canada. Although it is bound to Foreign Affairs objectives, Radio Canada International remains fully accountable for its programming. We recognize that the Ukrainian section that opened in 1952 is one of the service’s oldest. We also realize how important it is to the Ukrainian community, in both Canada and the Ukraine. That said, RCI must pull out all the stops to fulfill its mission with a considerably reduced workforce now. Despite the closing of the Ukrainian section and the cancellation of programming in Cantonese, RCI will continue to faithfully carry out its mandate, which is to produce and distribute programming that targets international audiences, with a view to raising awareness of Canada, its values, and its social, economic and cultural life.

But another blog Nash Holos points out that CBC hosted lavish events for their top executives (April 22, 2009):

CBC’s top executives spent more than $60,000 over six months holding meetings in luxury hotels and resorts and expensing such items as sparkling wine and limousine rides. …

More than $21,600 was spent sending 21 CBC and Radio-Canada human resources managers and senior executives to the ritzy Chateau Beauvallon in Mont-Tremblant, Que., for two days. The limo costs alone for one vice-president amounted to $1,009.94.

Is the CBC justified in cutting their Ukrainian language broadcast while using tax-payer money for executive fun?  You can let them know.

CBC’s RCI dropping Ukrainian bureau


As CBC slashes 800 jobs, Simon at Ukrainian Time passes along the sad news about the shutting down of it’s RCI Ukrainian bureau – an international broadcasting service that served Ukraine from Canada:

Ukrainian Section No More at RCI

The Ukrainian Section at Radio Canada International (RCI) was cut. The surprise announcement was made this afternoon to the 2-member personnel of the section. The half-hour program was aired Saturdays and Sundays since it was cut in half in November 2004, after over 50 years of broadcasting on a daily basis.

Continue reading CBC’s RCI dropping Ukrainian bureau