Ukrainian Food on Street Eats

Street Eats is a show that airs in Toronto on SUN TV Sundays at 6 pm ET and weekdays at 8:30 am ET:

Joy visits Natalie’s Kitchen and helps decorate Ukrainian Easter Paska bread. As well, she learns the art of Patychky, breaded pork and chicken shish kebabs, and Nalysnyky, sauerkraut crêpes. Meanwhile, Ali goes shopping at Vatra for authentic Ukrainian groceries like buckwheat kasha, pickled mushrooms, and birch tree sap.

Both hosts pop into the Golden Lion Restaurant for potato and cheddar Varenyky – Ukrainian perogies. Chicken Kiev and Borsht are also on the menu and a hunk of crispy peanutty Kiev Torte.

A special treat is in store for music lovers – the rock band Klooch performs their song “Pershyj Raz” (First Time).

Natalie’s Kitchen, Catering, 416-249-8773
Vatra Cheese & Deli, 1092 Islington Avenue, Etobicoke, 416-237-0297
Golden Lion, 15 Canmotor Avenue, Toronto, 416-252-3456

Special thanks to Klooch

Edit: Sorry I botched embedded the videos from the site, here they are:

NalysnykyHead CheeseBorschtKlooch


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