Beware Russia’s coverage of the Ukrainian Presidential election

I noticed a big difference in how Russia’s ITAR-TASS news agency is starting to report the upcoming Ukrainian Presidential election, especially Viktor Yanukovych’s recent announcement to run:

Viktor Yanukovich hopes to contest Ukrainian presidency

KIEV, April 20 (Itar-Tass) — The leader of Ukraine’s oppositional Party of Regions, Viktor Yanukovich, has for the first time declared his intention to participate in the early presidential election the national parliament set for October 25.

Luckily the Kyiv Post offers a little more truthful representation of the event:

Yanukovych to run for president

Opposition leader Viktor Yanukovich, who lost a re-run of a rigged 2004 presidential election in what came to be known as the "Orange Revolution", says he will run in Ukraine’s next presidential race.

Is it a case of bad English or misleading information? Everyone who is running in this Presidential election is technically running for the first time in this particular election – why the redundancy?  It’s no secret that Yanukovych has always been a pro-Russian candidate. Would the Russian “independent” media lie for their country? You decide!

Edit: Taras points out it’s Yanukovych in Ukrainian and Yanukovich in Russian

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