Last Thursday a funeral service was held in Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Toronto for 29-year old Regis Korchinski-Paquet, who died falling out of her apartment window while police were in her home. The incident has sparked controversy, as Regis suffered health issues such as epilepsy, and her death triggered many home-grown protesting in the light of the brutal killing of George Floyd.
Regis had a Ukrainian-Canadian father, and was heavily involved in her church and dancing:
“If her parents couldn’t supply answers, she consulted her Ukrainian grandfather, her Dido. “Race has always been a big issue for me feeling like I need to be a different colour to fit in,” she recounted in a Facebook post. “My Dido helped me to see that although I am darker skin I am the same as anyone because in Gods eyes each of us are equal.†” – The Globe and Mail
There is currently a Go Fund Me page to raise money to cover funeral costs