Movie: Jajo’s Secret
When: Thurs. June 25 @ 7:00 PM
Where: Revue Cinema
400 Roncesvalles Avenue Toronto, ON
(416) 531-9950
Admission: Free!
From the Revue website:
The Revue Cinema is proud to host a free community screening of the documentary Jajo’s Secret about the internment of Ukrainians by the Canadian government during World War One, told through the personal story of filmmaker James Motluk (Life Under Mike, Whose University Is It?).
A few years after James Motluk’s Grandfather passed away, his family made a shocking discovery; a certificate of parole issued to his grandfather by the
Sault Ste. Marie Police in 1918. This documentary begins with that discovery and traces Motluk¹s personal journey as he investigates how his grandfather came to be paroled. Along the way, he not only discovers the truth about his grandfather but learns the story of how thousands of Ukrainians were imprisoned by the Canadian government during World War One.Q & A with the director of the film following the screening
The documentary aired earlier this month in English and Ukrainian on OMNI TV (which also funded the film). You can also purchase the DVD and follow Guerrilla Films on Twitter.