The Royal Canadian Air Farce is a popular comedy show in Canada that is having its final episode tomorrow night after 38 years with some of its original members intact. One of them is Ukrainian Canadian Luba Goy who joined in 1971 and was featured on the program for 35 years. Luba is an active member of the Ukrainian Canadian community.
From the Toronto Star:
All things must end, and we’ve had a great one. Most shows learn of their demise second-hand. CBC gave us the great gift of returning for a 10-week “final flight” and a last New Year’s Eve special – the show that started us on TV 16 years ago. Our 10 episodes this fall ranked us No. 3 on the network. And for New Year’s Eve Final Flight, who knows? If enough fans tune in Wednesday night at 8, we’ll go out at No. 1.
You can watch their latest episodes online, and also see below some classic skits: