Ukrainian news round-up

Ukraine officially blames Soviet leaders for the Holodomor!  The National Security Service published archive documents “unequivocally” proving its case that Soviet leader Josef Stalin and his subordinates were responsible for the genocide.  The SBU had also published on their website a list of high-ranking Soviet state and party officials and NKVD henchmen who were responsible, available here (direct link if your Ukrainian isn’t that good)!  Not all are happy with the list as the Ukrainian Jewish committee complained the list contained too many Jews and neglected other culprits.

While I was away I was saddened to hear that the United Nations refused to include the Holodomor into their 62nd session agenda due to objections from only one country – Russia.  Ukraine will attempt to re-submit the Holodomor resolution for the 63rd session in September.   The Holodomor issue has not been faring well in Europe this month as OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly stopped short of recognizing it as genocide as well (link to the resolution).

It was the 1020th anniversary of the baptism of Kyivan Rus, with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople visiting with President Yushchenko to begin to establish an independant and unified Ukrainian Orthodox church.  The Ukrainian Orthodox Church  Moscow Patriarchate does not recognize the Kyiv Patriarchate or the Autocephalous Orthodox Church and considers Ukraine its canonical territory, even though the baptism of Kyivan Rus predates the founding of Moscow.

It’s been rough times for President Viktor Yushchenko;  Never ending conflicts with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (the latest being over this Odessa-Brody oil pipeline) and forecasting rivaling her for Presidency in 2010 to disputes with the Russian Orthodox church, Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia over the UPA and even his son’s Godfather over his poisining and others he can’t extradite from Russia.

Meanwhile a devastating flood has hit Ukraine, killing 30 people and destroying 40,000 homes.  Yushchenko has declared a state of emergency in the Western region for the next three months while Tymoshenko has been busy prepping the budget and collecting foreign aid to help the victims.  The Kyiv ecology-cultural center has partly blamed the flood on the rising deforestation of the Carpathian mountains, and noted how its neighbouring countries have banned the practice for quite some time.

And finally some quick news:

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